I grew up and met with this world that took
away all the “Innocence” in me. This world full
of people, friends and foes alike, kith and kin.
I learnt that sometimes what we want might
never happen and that sometimes what we
pray for so faithfully might not be granted but
might instead be given to other people who
do not appreciate. What I have never
understood is why the Bible asks us not to go
to bed while angry at someone and yet
people are allowed to make us angry. I
wonder how selfish people in this world can
be. I feel like some are more people than
others. Same way a parent treats some of
their children better than others and still
claims that “I love you” but more in words
than is the case with actions. But for those
whom I don’t doubt their love….know you
hold a special place in my heart…and
Philippians 1:3 goes to y’all


Practiceis your way of declaring that you
believe that your dreams will come to
pass.You need to be ready because if you are
not, when the opportunity comes therewill be
no time to prepare. That will be the time for
AnytimeI watch good football like Manchester
United’s brilliant display this week atthe
English Premier League, I see so many lessons
that we can learn.
First,think of all the people who would want
to be in that winning team but could notmake
it because they did not have the required level
of skill. It is not thatthey were bad. They were
just not good enough.
Therewill always be room at the top for the
best. A lot of people settle formediocrity
because frankly speaking, it is easier. It is
easier to be good atsomething than to be the
best. Differentiation by excellence is inevitable
ifyou want to stand out and this is done by
consistent practice andself-development.
Youneed to practice when no one sees.
Diligence in obscurity always leads
toprominence. The hidden part of your life is
responsible for the visible part.The part of
your life that is not seen is what drives the
part that is seen.Your private habits become
your public reputation.
Youtherefore need to be able to practice and
prepare for an opportunity that doesnot exist
yet. Prepare for opportunities that no one else
can see so that whenthe opportunity arises,
you are ready.
Somepeople have dreams, but are not
preparing for the fulfillment of their
dreams.So they are caught unawares by their
own dreams.
Greatnessis the default destination of people
who exert themselves preparing for
thingsthat no one else can see. If you cannot
prepare for the visions in your head,you will
not move beyond the reality in your hand.
Abeauty queen was once asked how she won
every pageant that she contested in.She said
that she had watched videos of beauty
queens from around the worldthousands of
times and practiced in her room for years,
what they did. Sherevealed when she got to
the pageant, she simply did what she had
donethousands of times in her room.
Theonly difference was that this time she had
an audience. When the opportunitycame, she
only did in public what she had perfected in
Longbefore anyone ever called me to speak
anywhere, I would stand in front of amirror
and speak. We had a chapel at home, and so I
would stand in front andimagine myself
speaking to people. I would go to the farm
and speak to thegoats and the chickens. I did
this for years before any human being ever
heardme speak before large audiences.
Mypractice ground had been in obscurity. My
family would be amused. Today, Ispeak in
different nations in front of thousands of
people every week. I amhaving the last laugh.
Practiceis your way of declaring that you
believe that your dreams will come to
pass.You need to be ready because if you are
not, when the opportunity comes therewill be
no time to prepare. That will be the time for
Davidpracticed in obscurity by protecting his
sheep against an attack from a lionand a bear
when no one was watching. It was
preparation for Goliath andultimately for
ruling the nation and defending his people.
Whilesome people are interested in the
minimum level of input, greatness is
reservedfor those with the maximum input.
Thinkof an iceberg. The greatest part is the
unseen part. Think of crude oil. Thehardest
part is the refining process. No gift comes
refined. Practice is therefinery of champions.
Theplayers that took Man U to victory were
each exceptional in their own rights.That
leads to something else.
Winningdoes not happen because of one
single kick. While it is true that one finalkick
produces the goal, it is the end result of
consistent passing of the ballfrom one player
to another.
Meanwhile,the other team is working
desperately to stop this passing and take
control ofthe ball. You have to remain focused
and consistent in a very hostileenvironment.
This is the story of life.
Somany obstacles are working to keep you
down, such as your past experiences,mind-
set and attitudes. Feelings of unworthiness, of
inadequacy and inferiorityadded to the mix
mess up potentially great people big time.
Friends,if anyone deserves to succeed, you do.
Remember that for all those working hardto
keep you down; you have people who are
also working hard to ensure that youwin.
They are your team – people who share the
same dream as you and whobelieve in you.
Alwaysremember that you cannot do it alone.
You need a team, a network. You also needa
great coach – someone who’s past is your
future, whose experience is yourexpectation.


“Whenever you spend time to study and
meditate on the Word, you’re positioning
yourself in God’s building process for your
spirit. Every Christian needs to grow; every
Christian needs to learn and understand the
Word of God, but without studying it, you’ll
never know it. You have to hear it, be taught,
and then do your personal study of the Word.
Even after you’ve been taught; go through the
Scriptures and the references for yourself. 2
Timothy 2:15 says, “Study to shew thyself
approved unto God, a workman that needeth
not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word
of truth.”
Excerpt From: Pastor Chris Oyakhilome.


Cast away your HOPE not. For I am with you I
will help you and I will deliver you;
because your present suffering cannot be
compared to the glory that will be revealed in
our lives.
Before you can receive a crown, you needs to
endure; because it does not take a quitter to
be declared a winner but he who withstand
to the end. Never give up!!!!
You have the ability to live today above every
circumstances in Jesus name;
you are crossing that limited line drawn for
your life in Jesus name!
You are living by HOPE not by DOUBT..
You are living by FAITH not by FEAR.
You are living by GRACE not by DISGRACE.
You are living by FAVOR not by


Despite the fact that there may be millions of
people praying to God each day, he delights in
hearing your voice, for he has no duplicate of
you. This is the reason you should always put
yourself into prayers. Get personal with the
Lord, knowing that you are talking to
someone who is actually listening to you; a
rational being, who feels. Don’t pray as
though God is a computer.
Some folks are too stiff and religious in their
prayers! “O Lord”, they begin, “Thou art so
great and I am so small and insignificant in
thy sight”; as though God only spoke “King
James” English. Then when they lift their
hands to sing a song of worship there is
hardly any expression of emotions. Don’t be
that way! Be passionate with the Lord.
God called David a man after his own heart
(Acts 13:22), because among other things,
David was so passionate with the Lord. When
he prayed, he poured his soul into his prayers
and this reflected in the several inspired
Psalms he penned for us in the scriptures.
David was a man who knew how to pray with
emotions, this is why he enjoyed such a
fellowship with God.
You have got to learn how to unwind yourself
in the presence of the Lord. If you are yet to
experience the kind of praying where, out of
love, awe and reverence, you break down in
profuse tears before the Lord, then you are
missing too much. If you have’nt prayed till
you were full of the spirit, laughing, dancing,
prophesying and singing in the spirit, you
have got to make up your mind to experience
Pray with your heart and your emotions and
involve the totality of your being. There is an
awesome blessing that comes from having
such intimacy with the Lord.
SCRIPTURES: Psalm 42:1, James 5:16 and
Psalm 63:1-4). Glory to God!


Everything that blossoms in lfe has its
source.The beauty and glory of the garden of
eden was as a result of the rivers,this was
what guaranteed its productivity.When
there is a source of constant supply then
there must be growth and productivity.
Jesus is the vine and we are the branches.You
cannot talk of fruits without abiding in the
vine.It is your relationship with the vine that
determines your productivity.


Your past cannot stop God from doing what
he wills in your life,paul was very notorious
against the church yet God choose
him.People’s opinion about you does not
You are what God says you are.Do not ignore the
ability of God upon your life.You have been
chosen in this end-time,to harvest souls into
the kingdom of God and manifest his power
among men.say yes to the lord and you will
see His glorious works in your life.


Stay prepared.
Opportunities don’t blare sirens. When they
show up, you got to be prepared to take
them on. As one of my friends said recently,
“An opportunity of a life-time has to be
harvested within the life time of the
opportunity.” If you have to start preparing
when the opportunity is already here, you are
late. Stay prepared, stay ready for the kind of
opportunities that will take you further… stay
ready for both the big and small
opportunities life will thrust your way.
Hear Will Smith out when he says, “The only
thing that I see that is distinctly different
about me is I’m not afraid to die on a
treadmill. I will not be out-worked, period.
You might have more talent than me… but if
we get on the treadmill together, there are
two things: You’re getting off first, or I’m
going to die. It’s really that simple, right?
You’re not going to out-work me. It’s such a
simple, basic concept. I say all the time if you
STAY ready, you ain’t gotta get ready.”

-via DrJobMogire


Your life is your
responsibility; my life is my responsibility.
There can be no healthy relationships unless
we first take complete responsibility for our
individual lives. Let’s learn to help other
people without letting their lives become a
perpetual bug in our lives. Truly mutual and
interdependent relationships develop
between independent people. These are
people who are secure in themselves, and
they have taken charge of their lives.
On the other hand, the dependent ones can
only develop dependent relationships. They
need the relationship to be secure, and to
meet an unmet inner need. Love, serve and
share with people, but don’t prostrate
yourself to be walked over by others. If you
have to continue to sacrifice your happiness
for their, they are not your friend!
Stay grateful for all your relationships; spend
more time with people who inspire you to
become better than you are. You are a friend,
not a trash can; you are a friend, not the
credit bureau; you are a neighbor, not an


“I’ve been making a list of the things they
don’t teach you at school. They don’t teach
you how to love somebody. They don’t teach
you how to be famous. They don’t teach you
how to be rich or how to be poor. They don’t
teach you how to walk away from someone
you don’t love any longer. They don’t teach
you how to know what’s going on in
someone else’s mind. They don’t teach you
what to say to someone who’s dying. They
don’t teach you anything worth knowing.”
― Neil Gaiman, The Sandman, Vol. 9: The
Kindly Ones.