1.Listen without interrupting.(proverbs18)

2.Speak without accusing.(James1:19)

3.Give withot sparing(proverbs 21:26)

4.Pray without ceasing.(colossians 1:9)

5.Answer without arguing(proverbs17:1)

6.Share without pretending(Ephesians 4:15)

7.Enjoy without complaint(Philippians2:14)

8.Trust without wavering(Corinthians 13:7)

9.Forgive without punishing(Colossians 3:13)

10.Promise without forgeting(Proverbs13:12)


1. Love and honor your mother. Learn from
her mistakes. It will save you a lot of
headache in your thirties (30s) and beyond.
2. You are more talented than you’ll ever
know. You don’t need to sleep with your
Boss/ supervisor to get a promotion at work
or better grades at school. Burn late night
candles; put extra time to study and practice
until you master your skill. Hard work still pays
well and does not kill.
3. Women can build a strong support
network. Don’t let few ladies with “Pull Her
Down” {PHD} syndrome discourage you from
cultivating true relationship with your female
4. When a man you meet for the first time
babbles about how much he earns working
for an oil company and how rich he is, that is
a red flag. He is either a married smooth-
talker who just wants to sleep with you or he
is childish. Walk away from deceit.
5. Make your own money. Start small.
Maintain a stable bank account. It will keep
you out of trouble.
6. When you meet your Soul mate, don’t
forget to wear your most priceless
ornament- submission and humility. But
while waiting for him, don’t cling to any man
to rescue you. Some men these days are also
seeking for who will rescue them.
7. Know your body. Look at yourself in front
of a full-length mirror at least once a week,
naked and after clothed. Know your body and
how it works.
8. Life is a gift. But to revel in it, you must be
ready to put a lot into nurturing your gifts/
talents and skills. Start early.
9. Teenage ended at 19. Clocking 20 means
doing away with childish behaviour. But it
does not mean you should forget to have fun.
You can catch fun and not be dirty.
10. Learn the basic skills and let yourself
grow- from how to keep your underwear
clean, cook, socialize, and network to how to
drive a car.
11. Don’t do drugs. It kills. Read books, it
fortifies. Dance as often as you can, it liberates
your spirit, soul and body.
12. Partnership builds bridges. Don’t ever
forget that.
13. Eat healthy. Learn to cook for yourself.
Don’t rely on noodles alone. The cooking skill
will be useful in future.
14. Don’t give up when you fail. Try again
and again. Don’t give up on education/
15. Fear of the future. It is a state of mind
you must learn to tame. Don’t let fear pull the
carpet from under your feet. The Holy Bible
tells us that God has not given us a spirit of
fear but of power, love and a sound mind.
16. Let go of past hurts. You cannot move
forward if you keep looking back. Holding on
to bitter experiences and regrets will stale
your future.
17. Learn to exhale, love deeply and be kind
to others, especially those of low estate, and
the lowest of low.
18. You are beautiful the way you are. Don’t
compare yourself to others.
19. Prayer is the master key. Have faith in
God and always have the courage to use your
voice wisely. Dream big today. Fear simply
means False Evidence Appearing Real. Enjoy
the highs and lows that come with being in
your 20s but don’t be afraid to grow older.
Live life to the fullest and don’t forget to smile


MY MOTHER fought cancer for almost a
decade and died at 56. She held out long
enough to meet the first of her
grandchildren and to hold them in her arms.
But my other children will never have the
chance to know her and experience how
loving and gracious she was.
We often speak of “Mommy’s mommy,” and
I find myself trying to explain the illness that
took her away from us. They have asked if
the same could happen to me. I have always
told them not to worry, but the truth is I
carry a “faulty” gene, BRCA1, which sharply
increases my risk of developing breast
cancer and ovarian cancer.
My doctors estimated that I had an 87
percent risk of breast cancer and a 50
percent risk of ovarian cancer, although the
risk is different in the case of each woman.
Only a fraction of breast cancers result from
an inherited gene mutation. Those with a
defect in BRCA1 have a 65 percent risk of
getting it, on average.
Once I knew that this was my reality, I
decided to be proactive and to minimize the
risk as much I could. I made a decision to
have a preventive double mastectomy. I
started with the breasts, as my risk of breast
cancer is higher than my risk of ovarian
cancer, and the surgery is more complex.
On April 27, I finished the three months of
medical procedures that the mastectomies
involved. During that time I have been able
to keep this private and to carry on with my
But I am writing about it now because I
hope that other women can benefit from my
experience. Cancer is still a word that strikes
fear into people’s hearts, producing a deep
sense of powerlessness. But today it is
possible to find out through a blood test
whether you are highly susceptible to breast
and ovarian cancer, and then take action.
My own process began on Feb. 2 with a
procedure known as a “nipple delay,” which
rules out disease in the breast ducts behind
the nipple and draws extra blood flow to
the area. This causes some pain and a lot of
bruising, but it increases the chance of
saving the nipple.
Two weeks later I had the major surgery,
where the breast tissue is removed and
temporary fillers are put in place. The
operation can take eight hours. You wake
up with drain tubes and expanders in your
breasts. It does feel like a scene out of a
science-fiction film. But days after surgery
you can be back to a normal life.
Nine weeks later, the final surgery is
completed with the reconstruction of the
breasts with an implant. There have been
many advances in this procedure in the last
few years, and the results can be beautiful.
I wanted to write this to tell other women
that the decision to have a mastectomy was
not easy. But it is one I am very happy that I
made. My chances of developing breast
cancer have dropped from 87 percent to
under 5 percent. I can tell my children that
they don’t need to fear they will lose me to
breast cancer.
It is reassuring that they see nothing that
makes them uncomfortable. They can see
my small scars and that’s it. Everything else is
just Mommy, the same as she always was.
And they know that I love them and will do
anything to be with them as long as I can.
On a personal note, I do not feel any less of
a woman. I feel empowered that I made a
strong choice that in no way diminishes my
I am fortunate to have a partner, Brad Pitt,
who is so loving and supportive. So to
anyone who has a wife or girlfriend going
through this, know that you are a very
important part of the transition. Brad was at
the Pink Lotus Breast Center, where I was
treated, for every minute of the surgeries.
We managed to find moments to laugh
together. We knew this was the right thing
to do for our family and that it would bring
us closer. And it has.
For any woman reading this, I hope it helps
you to know you have options. I want to
encourage every woman, especially if you
have a family history of breast or ovarian
cancer, to seek out the information and
medical experts who can help you through
this aspect of your life, and to make your
own informed choices.
I acknowledge that there are many
wonderful holistic doctors working on
alternatives to surgery. My own regimen will
be posted in due course on the Web site of
the Pink Lotus Breast Center. I hope that this
will be helpful to other women.
Breast cancer alone kills some 458,000
people each year, according to the World
Health Organization, mainly in low- and
middle-income countries. It has got to be a
priority to ensure that more women can
access gene testing and lifesaving
preventive treatment, whatever their means
and background, wherever they live. The
cost of testing for BRCA1 and BRCA2, at
more than $3,000 in the United States,
remains an obstacle for many women.
I choose not to keep my story private
because there are many women who do not
know that they might be living under the
shadow of cancer. It is my hope that they,
too, will be able to get gene tested, and that
if they have a high risk they, too, will know
that they have strong options.
Life comes with many challenges. The ones
that should not scare us are the ones we
can take on and take control of.


I learnt two of the most important lessons in
my life. I realized that it’s so childish to allow
the world to simply spin around us, let things
happen, everything will be fine. Life is not an
existence my friends, it’s a daily experience
and i tell you grow up, take risks, make
mistakes, take heart.. maybe even fall in love.
Life is just too short to be wasted on “If
only’s” & “maybe’s”. The risks you didn’t take
will be the only regrets you will have in life, if
along the way you find something that makes
you happy, grab it with both hands and hey
to hell with the consequences. Take risks and
believe in yourself, life isn’t perfect . It is a
blend of both sorrow and Joy, but whatever
life leads you to, it’s because of a purpose.
The other lesson is that we should never get
tired of doing little things for others. These
little things are the big things that will always
be kept and treasured in their hearts. Perfect
maturity is when a person hurts you and you
try to understand their situation and don’t
hurt them back, It’s funny how sometimes
you’ve been doing everything to get out of
one place, and when you’ve found perfect
time to leave. It’s when you’ve also found a
reason to stay…NEVER TIRE OF DOING GOOD!


Good habits are what
will take you from CAPABLE to COMPETENT. The
way you finish that driving test and obtain a
driving license you are declared QUALIFIED.
worlds apart.
You may have all the knowledge it takes to
get the job done, but after qualification you
have to be subjected to the an environment
where you learn to habitually do the right
thing with ease and speed. That’s why there
are attachments, internships, apprenticeships
and trainee-ships.
What’s the difference between mere players
and champions? Champions don’t do
extraordinary things. They do ordinary things,
but because of highly refined good habits,
they do them without thinking, too fast for
the competitors to react.
Whichever area you want to be proficient in,
habit is the key! Develop a highly refined
routine and you will be on your way to
unquestionable mastery!


Not only at Christmas but throughout the year
we all need to stop and count our blessings.
There are challenging times in our lives, there
are dark times, there may be times when you
feel hopeless, and there are always happy
During all of those times we should stop and
take a moment to count our blessings.
If it is a difficult time you will find by reflecting
on the blessings you do have will help your
attitude in dealing with the situation you are
Many times our own attitude will determine
how we see our world. When we are in a
happy time we see the world very differently
than if we are in a more challenging time.
To be happy does not mean that you have
everything in your life that you could possibly
imagine as if you were fabulously rich. There
are countless stories of wealth and fame that
have lead to depression, unhappiness or even
Money does not make one happy; it is what is
within your soul, made up by your beliefs,
attitudes and character that leads to
happiness. Sure it is nice to have the money
you need to do things and buy everything you
want but that is only a material possession.
Some years ago, I always remember a friend
who told me they had everything they could
possibly want including a big house, servants
and money but were absolutely miserable to
the point where they left the marriage and
started with almost nothing. Many, hearing
this story, just wanted the chance to have
what she had but they were only looking at
the superficial aspects of life.
If you are feeling that life is pressing you hard
and that you are struggling with a multitude
of issues, one thing you may want to do is to
squirrel yourself away, by yourself, for just a
few hours and write down all the things you
already have in your life.
For example, do you have a roof over your
head – millions do not; do you have your
health – millions do not; do you have the
opportunity to live in a free society where you
can learn or do what you want to educate
yourself for a new career – millions do not; do
you have friends and family that love you –
millions do not.
I think you will find that you have more to be
grateful for than you realize.
The secret is to always count your blessings;
it truly does make life easier.
This past year has been a challenging one for
our family – we have seen challenging times,
we had some very dark times and hopeless
times, and of course we have had happy
But no matter what was happening I always
counted my blessings and looked for the
good in the situation.
And as difficult as it was in some situations
there was good. I can think of a couple of
occasions where it was very difficult to even
think that there was any good, but it was
My wish for you is:
May you see and be thankful for all the
blessings you have and may many more come
your way.
And may you experience the blessing that life
has to offer when you find the good in every


Your man is not perfect. You aren’t either, and
the two of you will never be perfect. But if He
can make you laugh at least once, admits to
being human and making mistakes, hold onto
Him and give Him the most you can. He isn’t
going to quote poetry, He’s not thinking
about you every moment, but He will give you
a part of him that he knows you could break.
His HEART. He may not have the words to
make u feel okay every time but He has the
arms to Hug you… Ears to listen to you and a
heart that aches to see you smile. So don’t
Hurt him, don’t ANALYZE Him, and don’t expect
for more than He can give. Smile when He
makes you happy, yell at Him when He makes
you mad, and miss Him when He’s not there.
Because perfect guys don’t exist, but there’s
always one guy that is perfect for you.


The greatest challenge in life is discovering
who you are; the second greatest is being
happy with what you find. A big part of this is
your decision to stay true to your own goals
and dreams. Do you have people who
disagree with you? Good. It means you’re
standing your ground and walking your own
path. Sometimes you’ll do things considered
crazy by others, but when you catch yourself
excitedly losing track of time, that’s when
you’ll know you’re doing the right thing.


Now it’s such a hard task living in a world
where everybody act like a ‘don’t care’.
Where we have to ignore things of
uttermost interest just to pay close
attention to things that are ready to
degrade our morals. We are living in a
world that is so cruel where fire for fire is
the most of all precious jewel.
Now i really miss everything I used to
enjoy from the mainstream media, I really
miss the programmes that had to bring
me spasms of laughter but today I just
despise everything I see and hear from
the media. I wake up on a Sunday
morning ready to hit the church but am
being saluted by Beyonce’s shaky ass
from the television, I switch on the FM
radio and there I hear Lil Wayne’s crooky
voice, spitting lewd and obscene lyrics. I
wonder where our Sunday morality was
dumped, coz back in the days, on a
Sunday morning, television stations
would be streaming live ‘Pastor Pius
Muiru’ on the grounds in dire need of
saving souls, they would in return play a
series of deep Biblical music which were
in due course meant to enlighten souls,
today it has all been thrown to the
And that is not the end of the story, I
remember we had no television so we
used to storm a neighbours house thirsty
to watch our favourite localized
programme then; ‘Tausi’ which good, full
of thrill and drama. Now see for yourself,
‘Keeping up with the Kardashians’, that’s
a profound bullshit, ‘House of Payne’,
nonsense. Where did they took ‘Courage,
the Cowardly Dog, Tom and Jerry,
Powerpuff Girls et al?’, they are now to be
spotted on the TV nowadays. But as a
matter of fact whatever we are being
forced to watch nowadays has an history
of demonic trance behind it !
And that is not the end of the story,
boobs have replaced books, Ladies pay
close attention to their bodies than to
their morals, it’s a do or die state of date
affair, we have to put the money on your
just incase you are destined to survive,
super-sex has also taken a global turn
and nobody is safe even a six year old
girl, privacy has became a universal
course and their is nothing labelled as
“private parts”! Even dogs reason better
than us humans and they respect their
privacy, as matter of fact, they use their
tails to cover their ‘tutters’.
Dreams have became illusions in a world
where we dont care to achieve them, and
above all, we’ve forgetten to heed by the
phrase, “for you to survive, you have to
Times have became hard but that doesn’t
mean we have to play tough, shoddy
jokes have replaced memorable quotes,
amazing poets/poems are no more
heard/read, iconic musicians are now
pathetic singers, pastors and priests are
now sacrilegious religious preachers and
teachers of the Genesis,the Exodus and
the Revelations.
Nobody is safe, even newborns are never
safe, I’d regret raising my daugther in the
world of Nicki Minaj and Rihanna,
Beyonce and Ciara, Lady Gaga and Britney
Spears. I’d regret raising my son in the
world of Neyo and Usher, Justin
Timberlake and Justin Beiber, a world
embodied with homosexualism and
supersexualism, a world engulfed with all
sorts of dark forces, a world full of guilt
and dust, a world of guns and bombs, a
world of tyranny and superiority, a world
of death and graves, a world of nuclear
and atomic plants, a world of rebellion
and riots, a world of tycoons and
baboons with no cocoons but goons, a
world of hate and despise, loathe and
detest, a world of hightech evil version
Am not saying we can change the current
affairs affecting the globe, am not saying
we change superfactual sex, am not
saying we can change mini skirts to
gowns, bad girls to nuns, riches to
wretches, am not saying we can reverse
this evil profanities and demonic trances,
and am not saying we can change the
globe as a whole but at all cost we have
only one alternative and that is to go with
the current trends, the global trending
topics and hash tag domain coz in order
to change all sort of evil at hand, we must
be ready to sacrifice our opportunities
and nobody is more than willing to lose
their profits at all costs; and in quotes of
simple facts, a thief wont stop stealing
only if his/her forty days are over, a
prostitute wont stop giving a fuck only if
she’s unfortunately infected with HIV/
AIDS, STIs, STDs. In short changing the the
Nickis and Minajs, Beyonces and
Rihannas, Ushers and Neyos requires a
mindset utility, the all maybee or maybe
not be well.
Now things are seemingly strange,
Judging a book by its cover so couldn’t
turn a new page,
Tried to be the best,
While others were busy and ready to
Gave love for free,
But a fuck for a fee,
When I tried to seduce a ghost,
I found myself getting lost,
The world’s a dangerous affair,
You can die if you are in dire need to
When there are facts and figures,
Some just fuck with fingers,
Had to hate Obama,
Why did he have to kill Osama,
Had to miss Bob Marley,
Memories emerge when you walking solo
down a valley,
Lost my mind just to be found,
Was down to earth but never on the
Watched my best friends getting spoilt,
Saw them suffering from dirt and guilt,
A good reputation being destroyed,
Kings and Queens being dethroned,
I had to pity the plight of a teenage baby
Living a life of shots and scenes, trauma
and drama,
What else should we showcase inorder
to survive,
When national TVs are busy
programming sex live,
Who wants to keep up with the
When we can keep calm and talk
business with the Asians,
Who cares about your immorality,
When we are busy upgrading our
Life’s hard coz we are tough,
And there’s no reality when enough is
Whores say there’s life after every shot,
And the youths are never cold when
sheilas are so hot,
You have to keep money on your mind
and never in the bank,
Shoot and kill if you want a higher rank,
Thieves pray for forty days to be
And just incase they are narrowed then
souls will be troubled,
The world is cruel,
Fire is a jewel,
Diamond a stone,
And there’s nobody on the throne.
Quotes of simple facts,
Word of provoking thoughts,
Ideas from exquisite reasoning,
And reasons from an outright mindset.


Whenever God Closes a Door, He
Opens Floodgates of Heaven: It is
easy to lapse into discouragement,
depression and desperateness when
things don’t turn the way we
expected. But God doesn’t make a
mistake. He allows a door to close
because He has something bigger,
better & more beneficial for you.
Don’t get stuck behind the closed
door. Don’t keep banging your head
on it & don’t keep staring at it for
too long. Don’t even ask God to
reopen it; He has closed it for a
reason. Your hope is not behind the
closed door.
Dont shed a tear over lost love,move on.Dont shed a tear over lost job,move on.Dont shed your tear over business plunges,re-strategise and move on. Wipe your tears, get
up & get your vessels ready. Look
up! God is about to open the
windows of heaven over your life.
Believe, Rejoice & Receive!