1. Love and honor your mother. Learn from
her mistakes. It will save you a lot of
headache in your thirties (30s) and beyond.
2. You are more talented than you’ll ever
know. You don’t need to sleep with your
Boss/ supervisor to get a promotion at work
or better grades at school. Burn late night
candles; put extra time to study and practice
until you master your skill. Hard work still pays
well and does not kill.
3. Women can build a strong support
network. Don’t let few ladies with “Pull Her
Down” {PHD} syndrome discourage you from
cultivating true relationship with your female
4. When a man you meet for the first time
babbles about how much he earns working
for an oil company and how rich he is, that is
a red flag. He is either a married smooth-
talker who just wants to sleep with you or he
is childish. Walk away from deceit.
5. Make your own money. Start small.
Maintain a stable bank account. It will keep
you out of trouble.
6. When you meet your Soul mate, don’t
forget to wear your most priceless
ornament- submission and humility. But
while waiting for him, don’t cling to any man
to rescue you. Some men these days are also
seeking for who will rescue them.
7. Know your body. Look at yourself in front
of a full-length mirror at least once a week,
naked and after clothed. Know your body and
how it works.
8. Life is a gift. But to revel in it, you must be
ready to put a lot into nurturing your gifts/
talents and skills. Start early.
9. Teenage ended at 19. Clocking 20 means
doing away with childish behaviour. But it
does not mean you should forget to have fun.
You can catch fun and not be dirty.
10. Learn the basic skills and let yourself
grow- from how to keep your underwear
clean, cook, socialize, and network to how to
drive a car.
11. Don’t do drugs. It kills. Read books, it
fortifies. Dance as often as you can, it liberates
your spirit, soul and body.
12. Partnership builds bridges. Don’t ever
forget that.
13. Eat healthy. Learn to cook for yourself.
Don’t rely on noodles alone. The cooking skill
will be useful in future.
14. Don’t give up when you fail. Try again
and again. Don’t give up on education/
15. Fear of the future. It is a state of mind
you must learn to tame. Don’t let fear pull the
carpet from under your feet. The Holy Bible
tells us that God has not given us a spirit of
fear but of power, love and a sound mind.
16. Let go of past hurts. You cannot move
forward if you keep looking back. Holding on
to bitter experiences and regrets will stale
your future.
17. Learn to exhale, love deeply and be kind
to others, especially those of low estate, and
the lowest of low.
18. You are beautiful the way you are. Don’t
compare yourself to others.
19. Prayer is the master key. Have faith in
God and always have the courage to use your
voice wisely. Dream big today. Fear simply
means False Evidence Appearing Real. Enjoy
the highs and lows that come with being in
your 20s but don’t be afraid to grow older.
Live life to the fullest and don’t forget to smile

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